UP International News

News - UP International

Thursday, 25 July 2024

UP Team Pilots on bivouac tour with KANGRI X / Part 2

After rather adventurous weather on the first six days of their trip, Benno Schmidt and Max Lorenz had a wonderfully relaxed end to their tour. Here is Benno's report...

Thursday, 18 July 2024

TRANGO X is at the forefront of DHV-XC PG Sport

It is really nice to see that Peter Hilger (UP Team Pilot / TRANGO X) and Ulrich Scheller (Pilot - TRANGO X) are on the first and second place in the DHV-XC Sport class! Well done, guys!
Tuesday, 09 July 2024

UP Team Pilots on bivouac tour with KANGRI X / Part 1

We are delighted that UP team pilots Benno Schmidt & Max Lorenz have once again set off on a bivouac tour this year. This time with the new KANGRI X (EN/LTF B), which is characterized by its low weight and small pack size, combined with the best cross-country flying qualities for such adventures. They started in Annecy, France - wonder if they got far? The weather was mixed, but the two of them didn't let that stop them! Fortunately, because the tour was a complete success despite a few obstacles in the form of rain. You can read Benno's travel report here and follow him on Instagram via schmidtbenno.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Nanda Wallisser takes first place!

UP team pilot Nanda Wallisser (Switzerland) took first place in the women's competition with the TRANGO X at the Hesse Championships, Germany. She came eighth overall. Respect, congratulations and keep up the good work, Nanda!
Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Lucian Haas visits UP

Journalist and paragliding expert Lucian Haas (pictured right / left Christian Rönning, CEO of UP) came to the handover of the KIBO X in person, which made us very happy. We would like to thank him for the visit and are looking forward to his test report - you will find it soon on his blog: lu-glidz.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Ulrich Scheller flies 242,3 km with the TRANGO X

We congratulate Ulrich Scheller on his phenomenal flight last Sunday! His FAI triangle earned him a whopping 484.59 points at DHV XC. Maximum altitude: 3599 meters! We are sure the view was tremendous. Keep up the good work, Ulrich!

More information about the flight can be found here.
