With our new customizer it is playfully easy to create your unique personal wing. In addition to the adjustment with your desired colors, it is also possible to integrate a logo into the lower sail! Have fun trying it out!
Paraglider line materials, and why they matter to you
One of the many things which the paraglider designer must make informed choices about during the design process is that of lines. Which lines will he use where in the design, will he employ Aramide/Kevlar lines or Dyneema, and will he go sheathed or unsheated, or a mixture of all these options?
The rush for performance, and why it can't be quantified
In the sailplane industry, each new plane is delivered with a comprehensive user handbook comprising, among very many other things, a speed polar curve for the particular model in question.
Many technical details and solutions you see upon close examination of a UP wing were pioneered or improved by UP. This article introduces a few of them: